5 Gel Manicure Tips: Keeping Your Nails Healthy

5 Gel Manicure Tips: Keeping Your Nails Healthy

5 Gel Manicure Tips: Keeping Your Nails Healthy

Gel manicures are incredibly popular for good reason: they’re beautiful and last a long time (up to two weeks or longer) without chipping. And while these manicures are very trendy, they can also do a bit of damage to your nails. Repeated gel manicures can lead to a sliding scale of issues, from weak and brittle nails to painful peeling and cracking to premature skin aging. To prevent these concerns from becoming a part of your reality, consider these five gel manicure tips to keep your nails healthy.

Prep Is Key

Before you get your nails done with a gel manicure—preferably the night before—coat your nails with cuticle, olive, or argan oil. If you don’t have any of these oils, petroleum jelly will also suffice. Your nails and the skin surrounding your nail beds will appreciate the luxurious moisture. Repeat this step after you get your manicure, too, to keep your cuticles moisturized and healthy.

Ask for IBX

Ask for IBX before your nail tech applies the base coat. This is a treatment that they’ll apply to your nails before applying the gel manicure. IBX protects your nails from the chemicals in the gel polish, which could spare you from an allergic reaction. IBX also helps heal any splits in your nails.

Use a Quality Gel Polish

Quality is important when it comes to gel manicures. Ensure that your nail tech uses a quality polish or invest in a quality gel polish for your personal collection. Not sure where to look? We highly recommend Kiara Sky gel polish.

Wear Rubber Gloves

A lesser-known gel manicure tip to keep your nails healthy is to keep your hands dry. After you get your gel manicure, try not to expose your nails to too much water. The moisture can cause the gel polish to lift off of your nail, and that’s no fun (nor do you want to have to get your gel mani re-applied). If you’re going to wash a sink full of dishes or take a long shower, consider wearing gloves to keep your hands dry.

Wear Sunscreen

Should you really wear SPF 30 (or higher) sunscreen to the salon? On your hands and forearms, yes. This is an important step to take, as your gel manicure requires UV lamps to dry. Sunscreen will protect your hands from premature skin aging and prevent skin cancer.


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