Nail Gems: The Dos and Don’ts of Nail Bling

Nail Gems: The Dos and Don’ts of Nail Bling

Nail gems are cool accessories for manicures when you place them correctly. We have an easy guide to follow if you want to know the dos and don’ts of nail bling. Afterward, you’ll apply nail gems like a pro! 

Do: Consider Size and Placement

Nail gems range in size and color. However, it’s critical always to consider the size and placement of your gem. It’s best to place nail gems at the center of your nails or closer to the cuticle. But don’t get too close to your cuticle because nail gems touching the skin can cause irritation. In addition, the gems could snag on clothing when your nails grow out. For long-lasting gems, select smaller ones that don’t bend your natural nail or become easy to pop off.

Don’t: Make Gems Easy To Snag

As previously mentioned, nail gems placed too close to your cuticle can snag on clothing when your nails grow out. However, gems placed on the edge of your nails can also easily snag or fall off. So, a good rule to follow is don’t place gems where they’re easy to snag. Perform common movements like placing your hand in and out of your pocket, and if you think a gem can easily snag or fall off, rethink your placement.

Do: Use Nail Glue or Resin

Nail glue and resin are powerful adhesives that will set your nail gems in place. However, the chemical properties of nail glue or resin can corrode the top of some nail gems. Therefore, it’s important to make sure the glue or resin only touches the back of the gem. You can do this by applying glue or resin to your nail and not the gem itself.

Don’t: Apply Gems Too Fast

Unlike nail art stickers, gems need time and pressure to adhere to your nails properly. Therefore, don’t apply gems too fast. After applying a gem, gently hold the decal in place for 20 to 30 seconds. Doing so will help it stay in the right spot and dry quickly. In addition, pressing your gems into place gives your bling long-lasting holding power.

After reading the dos and don’ts of nail bling, your nail gem application will turn out amazing! If you’re interested in purchasing gems and other supplies, let Nail Company Wholesale Supply be your nail supply distributor. With a wide range of products, we have everything you need for a fantastic manicure.